Rembrandt Paintings - Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son Painting

We offer 100% handmade reproduction of The Return of the Prodigal Son painting for sale.

Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son
The Return of the Prodigal Son

price: 178.23
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  • Rembrandt Prodigal Son was created in1662 and now in Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg.

  • The Return of the Prodigal Son, the subject comes from the Bible. Artist Rembrandt had already turned to the theme several times in his graphic works, but in the Hermitage painting, created not long before his death, the painter endowed it with the sense of great tragedy elevated to a symbol of universal significance. Complex emotions are expressed in the figure of the bent old man and his suffering, kneeling son: repentance and charity, boundless love and regret at the belated spiritual awakening.
  • Rembrandt Prodigal Son is one of his most popular works.
  • You can custom a 100% handmade reproduction of Rembrandt Prodigal Son Painting here!

    Select size of Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son Painting.

    Width: in. x Height: in.  from 104.26 to 1,698.04
    • Descriptions
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    • Customer Reviews
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       Beautiful, original hand-painted artwork in your home. The Return of the Prodigal Son based on the masters' works of Rembrandt.
       Our artist needs about 14 - 16days to paint this Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son painting with oil on canvas, and it takes another 3 -5days to your address.
      We deliver Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son all over the world; shipping fee is $15.00 for one item, but it is ZERO if order more than one piece at a time.
      This Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son painting is oil on canvas. We offer original oil painting, stretched canvas and large framed art, but do not offer poster, print or giclee for this Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son.
    The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt
    4.9(based on 81 reviews)  Read more reviews
      arrived in good condition, nice selectionby Customer jimddun
      great item....prompt serviceby Customer wye7
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    Tick the checkbox "Framed" if you like to buy your painting framed, full ready to hang !
    Our Old Price:  356.46 Our New Price: 178.23 add to favorites

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